Yohimbine is an alkaloid with stimulant and aphrodisiac effects, found naturally in Pausinystalia yohimbe. It is also found naturally in Rauwolfia serpentina (Indian Snakeroot), along with several other active alkaloids. Yohimbine has been used as both an over-the-counter dietary supplement in herbal extract form, and prescription medicine in pure form for the treatment of sexual dysfunction, making it a significant enhancer to millions of love lives around the world! And humans aren’t the only animals to benefit from this wonder-drug. Yohimbine has been shown to be effective in the reversal of sexual satiety and exhaustion in male rats. It has also been shown to increase the volume of ejaculated semen in dogs, with the effect lasting at least five hours after administration, and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of orgasmic dysfunction in men.

Damiana is a relatively small shrub that produces small, aromatic flowers. It blossoms in early to late summer and is followed by fruits that taste similar to figs. The shrub is said to have a strong spice-like odor somewhat like chamomile, due to an oil present in the plant. The leaves have traditionally been made into a tea, and an incense which was used by native people of Central and South America for its relaxing effects. Spanish missionaries first recorded that the Mexican Indians drank Damiana tea mixed with sugar for use as an aphrodisiac. Damiana has long been claimed to have a stimulating effect on libido, and its use as an aphrodisiac has continued into modern times. More recently, some corroborating scientific evidence in support of its long history of use has also emerged. Several studies utilizing animal testing have shown evidence of increased sexual activity in sexually exhausted or impotent male rats when exposed to damiana, as well as generally increased sexual activity in rats of both sexes.

Cashews are a favorite nut around the world, though, botanically speaking, they are actually the fruit of the cajeiro, or cashew tree. Scientifically called Anacardium occidentale, the tree is medicinally useful through its leaves, bark and fruit or nut. The nut grows at the end of a sweet and pulpy peduncle. Cashews need to be boiled or roasted in order to remove the toxic residue. The cashew fruit is a popular Brazilian aphrodisiac that is said to stimulate the libido. While the nut of the fruit is popular in North America, the pulpy substance, which is renowned in South America, is not imported fresh as it is extremely perishable. Frozen cashew fruit concentrate is a happy alternative. The useful parts of the cashew tree have also been used to dry secretions, reduce fever and lower blood pressure.

Many of these plants have been understood by native tribes for centuries. Their love-enhancing properties are not contested by the people who have benefited from their properties for years. The rainforest has many gifts to offer the world, but these plants are quite literally gifts of love. Read More: Facebook Instagram Email

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