10 Mysterious Disappearances Of Multiple People

On December 23, 1974, 17-year old Mary Rachel Trlica, 14-year old Lisa Renee Wilson and 9-year old Julie Ann Moseley (a.k.a. the Fort Worth Three) went Christmas shopping together at the Seminary South Shopping Center in Fort Worth, Texas. The girls never returned home and their locked car was discovered in the mall’s parking lot at 6:00 that night. There were Christmas presents inside, indicating that the girls had done their shopping and returned to the vehicle at some point, but what became of them?...

February 14, 2023 · 9 min · 1909 words · John Smith

10 Mythical Creatures That Are Real

However, as we are about to find out, many of these supposedly mythical creatures actually existed and some are still around today. Now, you may be thinking, if they are really around, why do we not have pictures? We actually do. It is just that we mistake them for some other creature. 10 Real People Who Died Searching For Mythical Places 10 Mermaids Tales of mermaids, a race of half-human and half-fish hybrids that live in the ocean are a common sailor’s tale....

February 14, 2023 · 9 min · 1897 words · Rachel Lloyd

10 Narrowly Averted Disasters That Nearly Shook The World

But major disasters don’t always go to plan. Sometimes, we come within seconds of a world-shaking catastrophe, only to be saved by quick thinking, good judgment, or just dumb luck. It’s a wonder any of us are still alive to read this. 10A Submarine Fire Nearly Causes The Next Chernobyl2011 The 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine was the worst nuclear accident in history. Around 50 people died, and thousands got a big surprise dose of radiation....

February 14, 2023 · 11 min · 2270 words · Casey Kessel

10 Natural Phenomena You Have To See To Believe

10The Staircase To The Moon When you think of Australia, things like rugby, kangaroos, and the Sydney Opera House probably come to mind. Hundreds of thousands of visitors pass through Australia each year, eager to see what more the country has to offer, and the Staircase to the Moon is one such lesser-known attraction. From March to October of each year, the reflection of the full moon rising over exposed mudflats creates the incredible illusion of a stairway to heaven....

February 14, 2023 · 8 min · 1527 words · Keith Duke

10 Notable Reunions You Never Knew About

10John Lennon And Paul McCartney While bitterly insulting his former partner in the press, Lennon maintained a secret friendship with McCartney following The Beatles’ 1970 breakup—especially in 1974, while Lennon was separated from his wife, Yoko Ono, and keeping company with their personal assistant, May Pang. The former Beatles saw each other often, according to Pang, and even recorded once. On March 28, 1974, they tracked several songs together at LA’s Burbank Studios....

February 14, 2023 · 9 min · 1759 words · Jason Callender

10 Obsolete Mental Disorders

10Male Hysteria Hysteria has a slew of nervous symptoms that cannot be attributed to a physical cause. Despite men being just as prone to breakdowns as women, societal and political pressures stood in the way of diagnosis. However, in 18th- and 19th-century Britain, it became fashionable for men to develop “nervous” issues. It was an issue of class, where sensitivity was seen as sophistication that elevated the bourgeois above the working people....

February 14, 2023 · 7 min · 1414 words · Gary Tarkington

10 Of The Most Important Councils That Defined The Catholic Religion

10Second Council Of The Vatican1962–65 John XXIII convened the most recent council to examine the Catholic Church’s role in the modern world. With global communication increasing and the Cold War in full swing, the Church assembled a mighty team of theologians, four of whom would later become popes: Giovanni Montini (who succeeded John XXIII as Paul VI during the council), Albino Luciani (John Paul I), Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II), and Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)....

February 14, 2023 · 12 min · 2535 words · Lorraine Carson

10 Of The Most Important Religious Schisms That Shook The World

See Also: Top 10 Bizarre Aspects of Catholicism 10Devadatta’s Schism The shortest lasting schism on this list, as most of them exist in some way up to the present day, Devadatta’s schism was an event which occurred in the early days of Buddhism. A cousin of the Buddha, he sought to impose stricter laws on his fellow monks, insisting they be increasingly ascetic in their lifestyle. (One of the harshest measures was that he believed they should not live in buildings, instead dwelling in the forest for all their lives....

February 14, 2023 · 9 min · 1731 words · Alexis Morales

10 Offbeat Stories You Might Have Missed This Week 11 10 18

Does cheese like Led Zeppelin? Did the Gauls embalm the heads of their enemies? Can a donkey sing opera? These are the questions that will be answered today. We’ll also take a look at a US Navy LSD ring, a feud between the Scouts, and a few space ideas that are pretty “out there.” 10 End Of Dawn On November 1, NASA announced that the Dawn spacecraft has ended its mission as it ran out of hydrazine fuel....

February 14, 2023 · 10 min · 1970 words · Nicholas Briggeman

10 Offbeat Stories You Might Have Missed This Week 11 24 18

There are a few stories from the world of sports this time as we will be looking at drunk curlers and flatulent darters. There are also two quirky animal tales and another two about people who felt the need for speed. Finally, we examine the worst year in human history. 10 Gamma-Ray Burst In The Milky Way According to a study published in Nature Astronomy, for the first time in our own galaxy, humans might get to witness a gamma-ray burst (GRB), one of the most energetic and violent events in the universe....

February 14, 2023 · 10 min · 1970 words · Maria Desimone

10 Offspring Of Evil Dictators Who Were Seriously Messed Up

10 Mao AnqingSon Of Mao Tse-tung Chinese communist leader Mao Tse-tung is best known for establishing the People’s Republic of China in 1949. The head of the Chinese Communist Party initiated campaigns such as The Great Leap Forward and The Cultural Revolution, which not only caused the death of 40 million people, but also brought economic and social ruin to China. Before Mao became head of the Communist Party, he fathered three sons, one of whom was Mao Anqing....

February 14, 2023 · 10 min · 2055 words · William Calderon

10 Pieces Of Technology That Won T Exist In 20 Years

However, things like that are expected to change. But 20 years from now, some technologies—the ones that you might not expect—most likely won’t even exist anymore. 10 Rearview Mirrors With how fast technology is evolving, it is extremely likely that companies will switch completely to cameras instead of using old-school mirrors. Adding to that, cameras will have to be standard with driverless vehicles, which are also rising in popularity. Cameras are also becoming much cheaper, which will encourage companies to switch side mirrors for cameras as well....

February 14, 2023 · 5 min · 902 words · Dolores Wilson

10 Pizza Delivery Drivers Who Saved The Day

Being a “hero” can span a variety of situations from paying for a person’s groceries when they come up short at the register, helping a new mother who’s struggling, granting a last wish to someone with a terminal illness, or just leaving a larger-than-usual tip for an employee in the service industry. The ten pizza delivery drivers on this list had no idea the circumstances they were about to encounter as they made seemingly normal deliveries....

February 14, 2023 · 10 min · 2032 words · Donna Baze

10 Places That Are Unexpectedly Creepy

10 De Wallen Belle, the world’s first monument erected to honor workers in the oldest profession, demands that sex workers around the world must be respected. She stands in a public square in the infamous red-light district in Amsterdam after being unveiled in 2007. Belle, however, is often only an afterthought to those who want to explore De Wallen. But sometimes tourists find something completely different from the expected tapping sounds on the windows....

February 14, 2023 · 8 min · 1647 words · Patricia Meza

10 Poignant Last Letters From World War Ii

World War II was one of the most death-filled chapters of our history, with at least 60 million people dying as a result. Some of those people left behind final written words. For some, this was an accident and their last words were just another letter for them. Still others were staring death in the face and knew there were things that they couldn’t leave unsaid. The letters below offer glimpses into the writers’ minds, their characters, and their priorities during the most difficult period in human history and their own lives....

February 14, 2023 · 19 min · 3953 words · Hester Whitmore

10 Politicians Who Got Away With Murder

10Baron Georges-Charles De Heeckeren d’Anthes Baron Georges was responsible for the most notable duel in Russian history. The dispute was over famed Russian poet Alexander Pushkin’s wife, Natalia, who became the object of the Baron’s affections. This didn’t go over so well with Pushkin, who threatened the Baron into backing off. The Baron then wed Natalia’s sister, Yekaterina Goncharova, possibly to get closer to the lovely Natalia. This didn’t sit too well with Pushkin, either....

February 14, 2023 · 11 min · 2198 words · Alexandra Hedgepeth

10 Prehistoric Graves And Their Findings

Over time, we’ve learned a lot from prehistoric graves and sculpted an overarching narrative about the extinct primates who evolved into human beings. These individuals weren’t so different from us. Here are 10 prehistoric graves and what they’ve taught us. 10 Alaska The first find on our list teaches us about our religious history, including just how long humankind has been practicing death rituals and what they might have meant....

February 14, 2023 · 8 min · 1611 words · Richard Clark

10 Private Adventurers And The Nations They Forged

10 Joseph William TorreyNorth Borneo Born in Maine, Joseph Torrey was a restless fellow. He worked as a clerk at a commercial house in Melbourne, a journalist for the Boston Times and in Hong Kong, at a shipping brokerage firm, and as vice-consul in Siam, before founding the American Trading Company of Borneo in 1864. In this guise, he purchased a lease of sizable territory in North Borneo and was named “Raja of Ambong and Maradu” by the Sultan of Brunei....

February 14, 2023 · 14 min · 2888 words · Estella Johnson

10 Real Life Murders Sung About By The Last People You D Expect

But sometimes the music world throws us a curveball, handing the murder ballad reins over to some of the gentlest, least threatening acts imaginable. In many cases, you would have no clue the song was so dark unless you actually listened to every word. Even then, you probably wouldn’t believe what you were hearing. 10 Hall And Oates’ “Diddy Doo-Wop” Is About David Berkowitz David Berkowitz, more popularly known as the Son of Sam, killed six people and injured seven more during a massive crime spree in the late ‘70s....

February 14, 2023 · 11 min · 2297 words · Dessie Zych

10 Reasons Millennials Are No Different From Any Other Generation

Yet for some reason, millennials think they’re different. Maybe it’s because the media keep telling them they are. Maybe it’s the arrogance of youth. For whatever reason, millennials are convinced their specialness eclipses that of all other generations. Here’s why they’re wrong. 10Economic Insecurity Is Nothing New Millennials came of age during the banking crisis of ’08. According to the media, this was an epoch-shaking event that left them uniquely scarred compared to previous generations....

February 14, 2023 · 7 min · 1363 words · Edward Watts