10 Discoveries We Wouldn T Have Without Space Travel

Let’s take a closer look at how the science behind interstellar exploration led to the knowledge and advancements we know today. Here are ten discoveries we wouldn’t have without space travel. 10 Traversable Wormholes Einstein’s theory of general relativity, proposed in 1915, expands on space and time, which he initially theorized in 1910. However, Einstein didn’t consider gravity, and he discovered that massive objects warp spacetime through gravity. General relativity mentions how wormholes are curved regions of spacetime that connect two distant points like a tunnel....

February 12, 2023 · 8 min · 1552 words · Madeline Crane

10 Disturbing Facts About President Erdogan Of Turkey

SEE ALSO: 10 Reasons The Syrian War Is Even Worse Than You Imagined He speaks loudly, acts brutally, and has done everything he can to turn Turkey, a place that had recently been quite democratic, into a dictatorship with him at the helm. As his ill star rises, the whole world is beginning to learn much more about the man who has been described by some of his own people as the Hitler of our generation....

February 12, 2023 · 12 min · 2445 words · Amanda Bradley

10 Effects Of Lsd On The Human Brain

It’s been used for everything from lab experiments to party drugs. LSD has also been tested on subjects in a wide range of applications—from a medication to aid in the quest for mental health to a powerful weapon of war. Still, there is much to learn about this wonder drug. On his deathbed from cancer, Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World, instructed his wife to bring a syringe filled with liquid LSD so that he could go on the world’s craziest trip....

February 12, 2023 · 10 min · 2031 words · Maudie Fanning

10 Everyday Things That Double As Deadly Weapons

Warfare and the quest to protect ourselves from criminal elements has seen us manipulate normal things and recreate them into weapons. This listicle contains ten of these dual-purpose items. They are not merely disguised weapons used for covert activities, since they still retain their primary purposes. 10 Belt Buckle Pistol The Nazis built all sort of things during World War II, including a belt buckle that doubled as a gun....

February 12, 2023 · 9 min · 1834 words · Carl Weber

10 Extraordinary Creatures Of Antarctica

However, many other fascinating discoveries have been made in Antarctica over the decades. Scientists are slowly unraveling one mystery at a time in a land that is full of extraordinary creatures. 10 Antarctic Feather Star This Antarctic feather star (aka Promachocrinus kerguelensis) is part of the Crinoid family. These animals live on the bottom of the Southern Ocean near the coast of the continent. This particular feather star prefers to live in cold waters....

February 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1423 words · David Hamilton

10 Eye Popping Facts About Vision

10Blue-Eyed Chinese A Chinese boy with sky-blue eyes can allegedly see and write in pitch darkness. According to Nong Yousui’s teachers and the reporters who tested him, he can complete a questionnaire in the dark, and when examined by a flashlight, his eyes flare a luminous green. At night, a cat’s eyes reflect light in the same way. This made some believe that Nong was born with an incredible mutation: acute night vision never before seen in humans....

February 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1380 words · Earl Murphy

10 Facts That Prove Mount Rushmore Was A Terrible Idea

Located in the fresh air of the great outdoors, the monument’s history is palpable. The grandeur of four faces carved into a mountain stands as a reminder of what achievements people are capable of. However, Mount Rushmore is also America’s worst national monument idea. 10 It’s Surprisingly Small If you ever looked at Mount Rushmore in pictures, you might have gotten the impression that it must be massive. After all, the monument is carved into a mountain....

February 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1086 words · Margarita Bindel

10 Famous Musicians With Hearing Damage

One of the all-time greatest musicians and songwriters, Neil Young has left an indelible mark on the world of music, twice elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He has created over thirty unique albums and contributed to countless more, all the while retaining an unusually consistent quality. With acclaimed protest songs (e.g. “Ohio”), plaintive ballads (“Heart of Gold”), and hard rock masterpieces (“Cowgirl in the Sand”), he has enjoyed unbelievable popular and critical success....

February 12, 2023 · 5 min · 971 words · Edwin Seumanu

10 Fascinating Facts About Ferrets

10 Ferret-Legging In various places throughout the world, an ancient, horrifying sport has made a resurgence. Ferret-legging is an endurance event wherein participants drop two live ferrets into their pants, which are cinched off at the ankles and waist. The animals claw and bite fiercely in an attempt to get free. The winner is the man who can withstand this torment the longest. One of the biggest “names” in the sport is Reg Miller of England, who introduced the concept of wearing white pants, to better display the blood spilled from bites....

February 12, 2023 · 8 min · 1679 words · Jared Richards

10 Fascinating Facts About The Gift Of Life

To date there is no suitable, long term, synthetic replacement for whole human blood, making donations of whole blood or platelets (apheresis) a necessity. Administered in the proper setting the procedure is very quick, taking only 10 minutes or so, but as pre-screening of each donor is required, the entire process usually takes about an hour. In the U.S., blood products are administered on the average of 38,000 units daily, and the need is expected to increase by about 6% annually, with larger demands in cases of war or disaster....

February 12, 2023 · 9 min · 1847 words · Darryl Christensen

10 Fascinating Stories Of Lost And Found

Guillermo Del Toro’s story is perhaps the most famous lost and found story in this list. Among his most prized possessions is a leather-bound journal that he carries with him at all times. It is where he sketches and writes down his ideas for future films. In this particular notebook was four years worth of ruminations that would eventually become El Labyrinth del Fauno (Pan’s Labyrinth). The movie almost never came to be, as Del Toro had exited a London cab one night and neglected to take his notebook with him....

February 12, 2023 · 9 min · 1784 words · Joseph Simmons

10 Fascinating Things Rare Fossils Recently Taught Scientists

Rare remains also expose prehistoric landscapes, unknown industries, and how humans were a bigger extinction force than previously thought—one that sometimes only left traces in genes and unique bones. 10 Turtle Tunes At archaeological sites in North America, turtle shells are not rare. For many tribes, the reptile was a food source, so past researchers dismissed the shells as the remnants of an ancient dinner. In 2018, a study focused on turtle remains from Tennessee....

February 12, 2023 · 9 min · 1750 words · Cynthia Grady

10 Folk Magic Traditions Of The Early Modern Era

10 Blood-Stopping The Ozarks region of Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas has a tradition of “power doctors,” who are purported to be able to cure illness and disease through supernatural means. One of their most vaunted techniques is known as blood-stopping, by which the “unnatural” flow of blood is staunched by magic, usually with the recitation a verse from the Book of Ezekiel: “And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou vast in thy blood, Live....

February 12, 2023 · 18 min · 3718 words · Marcellus Ramey

10 Folklore Monsters That Persist In The Modern Age

Whether these monsters really exist or are simply the result of people’s overactive imaginations is open to debate. While rationality suggests the latter, the persistent sightings keep the element of doubt alive. 10 The Billiwhack Monster The long-abandoned Billiwhack Dairy plant of Santa Paula, California, has been the scene of many unsavory acts and shady dealings. It is also home to a large, “hairy man,” complete with ram-like horns and razor-sharp claws....

February 12, 2023 · 10 min · 1989 words · Deborah Stgermain

10 Great Teen Angst Films You Don T Know

(Most of these films are not commercially available on DVD, but they are accessible in the Internet, if one knows where to look). Full Title: Throw Away Yours Books, Rally in the Streets One of Japan’s foremost avant-garde directors brings us this anthem of the marginalized youth. Utilizing a fractured and fragmented narrative involving a psychological foray into the tragic alienation and disenfranchisement of countless Japanese citizens during that era, a radical call for revolution among the young counter-cultural generation of Japan, and a dizzying psychedelic aesthetic, the film brings home the fact that when history is on the precipice of a new dawn, the moment will belong to the young....

February 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1115 words · Jed Blount

10 Heartwarming Stories Of Pets Who Survived Natural Disasters Videos

At the end of every natural disaster – whether it be a flood, earthquake, tsunami, fire, or tornado, local shelters have to gather abandoned pets and attempt to reunite them with their owners. Many pets go unclaimed, and other times, people learn that their pets are not among the survivors. But in these next ten stories, pets are reunited with their owners in the most amazing ways. 10 Cadie the Cat Judy Pugh was an elderly woman sitting in her home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama when a tornado hit....

February 12, 2023 · 11 min · 2172 words · Peggy Thomas

10 Hilarious Historic Predictions Of Life In The 2000S

We’ve collected together ten of the most interesting—and funny—predictions of what modern life would look like. Sometimes they were surprisingly close to the mark, even scarily so. Most of the time, though, they were hilariously wrong. See Also: 10 Ancient Predictions That Came True 10 A Woman May Even Be US President In the 1950s, a group of experts took to the papers to tell people what life would look like in the year 2000....

February 12, 2023 · 10 min · 2093 words · Lillie Humes

10 Hilariously Outdated Instructional Films

10The Relaxed Wife1957 If this doesn’t illustrate the difference between the hardworking, stressed man with the weight of the world on his shoulders and the relaxed housewife with not a care in the world, nothing does. He’s just trying to unwind after a long day at work, but he still has all sorts of headaches to deal with: like screaming, arguing kids. Then his wife has the gall to bring him inappropriately hot tea....

February 12, 2023 · 11 min · 2199 words · Veronica Warren

10 Horrifying Accounts Of North Korea S Prison Camps

An Auschwitz survivor declared that these camps are just as bad—if not worse—than the Nazi concentration camps, and a UN commission stated that the prison system is a crime against humanity. 10 Jeong Kwang-il Jeong Kwang-il worked as a trader, and he made business deals with South Koreans in China, thereby associating with the enemy under North Korean law. Jeong was accused of being a spy, and he was dragged to a prison camp....

February 12, 2023 · 12 min · 2520 words · Matthew Folkerts

10 Hot Spots Where Global Conflict Could Erupt

Thus, in order to secure their own power, nations such as the United States, China, and Russia continue to maintain a presence in some key strategic areas, often butting heads with one another. Tensions in these areas, as well as others, are high, and some believe that these could be the places where World War III breaks out. 10 Syria As most are aware, Syria is currently in the midst of an ugly civil war....

February 12, 2023 · 10 min · 2030 words · Ernest Blevins