10 Amazing Historical Conflicts That Are Completely Forgotten

10The Battle Of Bloody Bayc.1480 This just might be the mother of all father versus son conflicts. After King James I of Scotland was captured and held prisoner in England in 1406, Scottish barons gained tremendous authority over the people. In the northwest of Scotland, the Macdonald clan held the most power, calling themselves the “Kings of the Isles” and starting a self-appointed rule over the region. This proved to be extremely troublesome for the crown....

February 13, 2023 · 10 min · 2130 words · Jody Bobo

10 Amazing Moments In Espionage

10 The Roman Slapstick Show In 204 B.C., the Romans sent an expeditionary force of 20,000 men led by General Publius Cornelius “Africanus” Scipio to North Africa. However, they were soon confronted with an army of 90,000 Carthaginians, all of whom were eager to stab some Roman faces. Faced with this, Africanus quickly established a fort and set about planning to destroy his new enemy. The Carthaginian force was divided between two camps....

February 13, 2023 · 12 min · 2549 words · Russell Cameron

10 Amazing Robots Built Without Modern Technology

Modern robots have kept pace with the digital revolution and advances in artificial intelligence. But basic analog mechanisms that mimic human or animal actions have a long history. Even if you have little or no interest in robotics, these ancient devices mesmerize with their ingenuity. Designed without the benefit of electricity or precision equipment, they are a testament to humanity’s boundless creativity. 10The Moving Statues Ancient literature is replete with tales of artificial humans....

February 13, 2023 · 13 min · 2668 words · Barry Sipes

10 Amazing Ways We Study The Diets Of Our Ancestors

10Teeth Marks Teeth, made of resistant tissue, tend to survive remarkably well. The food we eat leaves microscopic marks on tooth enamel, and the length and orientation of these marks depend on the food we consume. Modern Inuit groups in Greenland, whose diet is largely based on meat, display mostly vertical marks on the lateral surfaces, while groups living on an almost exclusive vegetarian diet display shorter marks, both vertical and horizontal....

February 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1319 words · Lillian Anderson

10 American Female Serial Killers

Number of Victims: Unknown
In the mid-1820s, LaLaurie lived with her husband and two daughters in New Orleans. They were a wealthy, high-class family – but their treatment of slaves was nothing short of despicable. No concrete evidence of abuse was established against LaLaurie until 1834; in that year, there was a house fire at the LaLaurie mansion. When rescue workers arrived, they found a 70-year-old woman chained to the stove by her ankle....

February 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1428 words · Jordan Berry

10 Ancient Civilizations That History Forgot

10Hattian Civilization The Hattians were a civilization which inhabited the area of present-day Anatolia, Turkey from the 26th century to around the 18th century B.C. Believed to be the earliest urban settlers of the area, their existence can be traced to 24th-century Akkadian cuneiform tablets. Most archaeologists believe that they were indigenous to the area preceding the more famous Hittite civilization, which arrived in the 23rd century B.C. The two cultures slowly merged together, with the Hittites adopting a variety of Hatti religious beliefs and practices....

February 13, 2023 · 9 min · 1770 words · Michael Hurst

10 Ancient Tales About Severed Heads

10Born From Severed Head Spit The old K’iche’ Mayan story of creation is called the Popol Vuh. In it are the lords of the underworld, One and Seven Death, who hated the noise made by the games that the people on Earth played. One day, two brothers, One and Seven Hunahpu, played a game wild enough to arouse their ire. The demon lords of death invited them into the underworld, Xibalba, for a ball game in which they planned to kill the boys....

February 13, 2023 · 18 min · 3636 words · Carol Panetta

10 Astonishing And Infamous Mermaid Sightings

For centuries, people from all walks of life have claimed to see this myth in the flesh. Are they real sightings? Are they tricks of the light and the eye? Are people feigning mermaid discoveries for the attention and publicity? It seems history has not answered any of those questions, as sightings are still occurring to this day. Is the mermaid a legend, or is her powerful song still pulling people into her mythical realm?...

February 13, 2023 · 10 min · 1991 words · Florence Saathoff

10 Astonishing Feats Of Modern Technology

Researchers have recently made some groundbreaking advancements, from a tiny microchip designed for better biometric security to a machine that can make gallons of fresh water straight out of the air. These innovations are impressive and offer us a glimpse at how we can improve our lives and create a more sustainable Earth. Here are ten of the most astonishing feats of modern technology in recent times. 10 Multipurpose Implants The people of Sweden have been lining up to get rice grain-sized microchips implanted into their hands....

February 13, 2023 · 10 min · 2083 words · Kevin Adams

10 Atrocious Genocidal Riots Throughout History

10Alexandrian Riots One of the first pogroms in history was the Alexandrian riot that took place in AD 38. Six years before, Flaccus was appointed governor of Egypt and Alexandria while under the rule of emperor Titus. In AD 37, Titus was succeeded by Caligula, and Flaccus fell into a depression. Since he had supported Caligula’s rival candidate for the throne, he sought to earn the affection of the new emperor....

February 13, 2023 · 12 min · 2385 words · Andrew Pierson

10 Awesome Inventions That Sprung From Celebrity Brains

Oddly, few celebrity inventors are known for their artistic talents. Benjamin Franklin is famous for his discoveries in electricity, oceanography, and demographics, but few know that he composed music and played the harp, violin, and guitar. Marie Curie is renowned as the first woman to win a Noble Prize and the first person to win two. But few could quote her poetry. The same is true of those who owe their celebrity to their artistic talents but not their inventions....

February 13, 2023 · 16 min · 3206 words · Kerry Ayers

10 Bible Contradictions That Aren T

The contradiction: After murdering his brother, Cain runs off and shacks up with another woman—despite his mother Eve being the only thing on Earth with human ovaries. Why it’s not: Remember that scene in Dark Knight Rises when Bane does his prison speech and we catch a glimpse of him in the future, even as he continues speaking? Rather than screaming “how can he be in two places at once?...

February 13, 2023 · 8 min · 1597 words · Lizzie Leach

10 Bizarre And Cruel Condiment Crimes

While not a proper dish on their own, these sauces can create the perfect flavor pairing when added to hamburgers, hot dogs, and sandwiches or used for dipping and in cold salads. Given their use in food preparation, it would be natural to assume that condiments are meant to only serve their purpose at meals. Yet rather than using these flavor-enhancing sauces for good, this list contains the stories of people who chose to weaponize them in some of the most unusual ways....

February 13, 2023 · 9 min · 1788 words · Jess Rosario

10 Bizarre Cases Of Identity Theft

A 33-year-old woman stole her daughter’s identity to attend high school and join the cheerleading squad, according to a criminal complaint filed against the woman. Wendy Brown, of Green Bay, faces a felony identity theft charge after enrolling in Ashwaubenon High School as her 15-year-old daughter, who lives in Nevada with Brown’s mother. According to the complaint, Brown wanted to get her high school degree and become a cheerleader because she didn’t have a childhood and wanted to regain a part of her life that she’d missed....

February 13, 2023 · 6 min · 1191 words · Lai Debose

10 Bizarre Facts About The Pharaohs Of Ancient Egypt

SEE ALSO: 10 Bizarre Sexual Facts From Ancient Egypt Nobody had ever had that type of power before. The pharaohs were pioneers in a new frontier of decadence, exploring the new world of absolute power and luxury in ways that nobody ever had before. They were enjoying life like never before—and sometimes, they got a bit carried away. 10Pepi II’s Obsession with Pygmies Pepi II was about six years old when he became the king of Egypt....

February 13, 2023 · 10 min · 2064 words · Ashley Santa

10 Bizarre Punctuation Marks That Didn T Stick

10 Interrobang Most people have combined a question mark and exclamation mark at the end of a sentence to express both confusion and excitement. While most people just write two marks side by side (?!), enterprising punctuation mark visionaries have attempted to create a new mark to express the same idea. Invented in 1962 by advertising executive Martin K. Speckter, the interrobang was meant to cleanly state the same idea as writing ?...

February 13, 2023 · 10 min · 2031 words · Richard Nelson

10 Bizarre Ways Athletes Tried To Cheat

10 Abortion Doping Abortion doping is one of the most disturbing forgotten techniques used by East German sports officials to prepare female athletes for the Olympics. There has been great controversy since rumors about abortion doping first surfaced. Some believe that it’s nothing more than a particularly dark urban legend, while others say that it was a very real technique. East German female athletes were treated very poorly in the name of sports....

February 13, 2023 · 14 min · 2829 words · James Mccullough

10 Brutal Attacks On Prisoners By Prison Guards

Guards can easily lose their tempers when dealing with unruly or mentally disturbed inmates, and they can frequently attack the prisoners without any repercussions. Each of the following inmates was treated horrifically before dying from injuries inflicted by the guards. 10 Ronald Spear Fifty-two-year-old Ronald Spear went to buy medicine at a store in Harlem, but he had forgotten that he was barred from the store because of an earlier shoplifting charge....

February 13, 2023 · 13 min · 2720 words · George Barnard

10 Bush Bin Laden Connections That Raised A Few Eyebrows

However, there are many connections other than the obvious one mentioned above. The Bush and bin Laden families have a long history of business dealings, while Osama himself apparently did a complete about-face, as he once collected his paycheck from the CIA, working on behalf of the United States and their interests. While some of the following links between the Bushes and the bin Ladens are likely to be mere coincidences, they are intriguing, to say the very least....

February 13, 2023 · 10 min · 2073 words · Jerry Trexler

10 Businesses Too Big To Fail That Totally Flopped

Many businesses grow and grow until they seem too big to fail. Here is a list of ten companies that thought they were too big to fail, but then they ended up doing just that. Many of the companies on our list have recognizable names, and all have made a major impact, but ultimately, they totally flopped! 10 Kodak Kodak started back in the 19th century in 1888. Throughout the majority of the 1900s, Kodak was the dominant leader in the photography and film industry....

February 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1447 words · Giuseppe Brown